This was way better than any gift that I had on my list...even better than a marrow bone or a Kong toy or a new stuffy with a squeaker inside...imagine that!? Santa brought me very own copy of this particular issue of Sports Illustrated magazine this year. I do believe I might just have to ask mom to frame it...
Just look who made the cover! It's Sweet Jasmine from Recycled Love, one of the rescues that helped to save the Vick Dogs. You can find a link to the SI article here . My friends at Our Pack rescued another former Vick dog, Leo, and helped him to discover his true calling in life. When he's not happily hanging with his pack, he is busy working as a certified therapy dog and is an absolute rock star! Yay!
It really is a very Merry Christmas for us pit bulls indeed!
Love, Maxine
P.S. And, OH!....I just LOVE this new Christmas song!!!
Thanks Max. You're definitely my good friend.
Maxine...you rock girl. And I love this story and the picture of beautiful Jasmine on the cover (although I think you would make a great cover girl too!)
Mary (Leo's auntie)